Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The "Secret" Spin-offs

It seems as if there is not and end to all the people who are willing to drop their integrity into the dumpster so they can get on board the “secret” train. I watched a hypnotherapist claim that the “secret” is an immutable law, she goes on to compare it with gravity.

She never says what research backs her statements but goes on to say that she has what you need to be able to use the “secret”, and of course it’s a secret. So now we have the secret to the “secret. But wait there’s more. You can receive the secret to the “secret” by just listening a cd. She says that you do not have to do anything.

Those seem to be the magic words “you don’t have to do anything”.

Now I’m not picking on hypnotherapist, and I strongly believe that they (the hypnotherapist) have some of the best methods available for people who wish to empower themselves in many ways. I am just pointing out all of those who are making claims about this “secret” being scientifically based. When any of them have been asked about the research that supports the statements they can’t seem to find any to back their rhetoric. These scientific proclamations are mostly used in an attempt to sell the public some ultra new method of get something for nothing.

So if anyone reading this is looking for some extra honor or integrity I would venture to say you can look in the dumpsters.


Anonymous said...

That is soooooo true.
Just to add to your thoughts, the rumors have it that the hypnotist who was selling the secret to the secret seems to be in a bit of hot water with Ronda Byrne’s lynch men. She is now trying to dump all her secret to the secret cd’s just ahead of a cease and desist order. I believe she is calling it a “fire sale”

Wilderbeast said...

Maybe the secret to the secret is still a secret?!?!

Anonymous said...

The secret is: there is no secret. As soon as you hide it, someone will look and try to find it. No one looks to the blatantly obvious open right in your face reality! What a concept?

Wilderbeast said...

Your right! What a concept!

Anonymous said...

Your link is wrong or the Rhonda hit men have found their target.

Wilderbeast said...

It would seem that many individuals are falling to the long arm of the almighty dollar that is attached to the secret. I wonder if Newton had to protect his “law” with legal action?